Hitting Restart on My Solo Winter Journey
I became a fearless traveler in 1998 when my husband and I set out on a journey to Hanoi, Vietnam. My parents, who were products of the Vietnam War generation, freaked out at my decision. This GenXer loved that! I felt strong and brave, determined and different - a bit of a rebel. That first journey snowballed into almost 20 years of crossing the ocean over and over again to serve and do humanitarian work with a non-profit. We worked alongside the Vietnamese government to enhance the lives of people in villages and provinces in the North. Travelling through a developing country like Vietnam 20+ years ago was not for the faint of heart. That 20+ year old version of myself bravely, and sometimes foolishly, thrived on riding the waves of crazy that inevitably always fed my soul. The adventure of years spent travelling to Vietnam shaped me and I loved my life. During these same years my husband and I started a family that grew fast....